
Printable Abstract Flower Notecards for Personal Use

Printable Abstract Flower Notecards

The beauty of drawing all the time these days is that I can make my own printables and downloads. Here are some Printable Abstract Flower Notecards for you to send a sweet message to loved ones. I’m really loving abstract florals that have a kind of paper cut look to them. These little notecards were […] Read more…

DIY Evil Eye Stickers - Make your own Evil Eye Stickers with a free download and sticker paper. Perfect for journals and envelopes!

DIY Evil Eye Stickers

I was inspired by one of my illustrations to create this little Evil Eye Sticker project this week. A lot can be said about what an evil eye is, but my take-away is that it protects the person who has it or wears it. I’ve created a download for you to use right away, but […] Read more…

DIY Affirmation Cards - This tutorial shows you how to make your own printable affirmation cards with a free download!

DIY Affirmation Cards

We can all agree that we are living in a unique time. I feel like now more than ever we need the tools to keep a positive attitude for ourselves and loved ones. So, I thought making these affirmation cards might help. I created a free download that you can use as a template, then […] Read more…

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