Postcard Printable - This tutorial will show you how to use this free postcard template to send love to family and friends!

These days, I think we can all use a little snail mail. It’s hard not being physically close to our family and friends, so I thought I’d share this Postcard Printable to help you send love to those who you miss right now. Making your own postcards will also be another fun indoor activity to do as a family. Think of the lovely artwork your kids can send to their grandparents, teachers or friends! Read on for the full tutorial!

*This post contains affiliate links for products that I use and love!

The Benefits of Snail Mail

Aside from being a fun activity for all ages, sending snail mail can have many benefits.

  1. Writing by hand can help us retain information better and may spark our creativity
  2. For many kids, receiving a written note becomes a natural way to practice reading. Often they would want to respond so it is a wonderful way to encourage and practice their own handwriting
  3. We type so much these days, it’s a nice break to go old school and break out the pen to say hello to an old friend
  4. Our family and friends will feel loved knowing that we spent that extra effort to make and send a handwritten postcard to them
  5. As memory keepers, we tend to save notes, letters and cards we have received over the years. It’s always fun to look back at an old box of memories and re-read the handwritten notes that were sent to us

Now that we know how awesome it is to send a handwritten note or postcard, let’s get to making our own!

Postcard Printable – Sending Love: Materials

  • Printer
  • Scissors
  • White Cardstock – I like using a thicker paper compared to printer paper to make postcards
  • Pattern – this is optional. You or your kids can create your own artwork on the other (blank) side of your postcard. The patterns and backgrounds I used were from Creative Market

Postcard Printable – Sending Love: Instructions

Download your free postcard template:

Click —> this link <— to go to the download page, then click the link to download the PDF file.

Postcard Printable - This tutorial will show you how to use this free postcard template to send love to family and friends!

Optional – Create and Print Your Patterned Paper:

Another option is to use your own patterned cardstock if you have this handy. Make sure each page has a white blank side. If you want to make your own pattern, you can use any graphic software to open your pattern or design and print onto white cardstock.

If you are using Silhouette Studio like I did (there is a free version) to make your own patterned cardstock:

  1. Open a new document and merge your pattern or background onto the document
  2. If your pattern is a square tile, replicate the tile throughout the printable page area
  3. Send your pattern or background to print on white cardstock

Print Your Postcard Template:

  1. Open your postcard template (PDF download is above)
  2. Load your patterned cardstock into your printer so that the blank side will be printed on
  3. Send your postcard template to print on the other (blank) side of your patterned cardstock

Cut out your Postcards:

  1. Print out as many postcards that you need (each template has 2 postcards)
  2. Cut out each postcard with your scissors along the black border

I love how they turned out and can’t wait to hear how you designed yours!

Postcard Printable - This tutorial will show you how to use this free postcard template to send love to family and friends!

DIY Postcards - Sending Love

Looking for some more crafty inspiration? Take a look at these tutorials on How To Make Your Own Stationery!