
52 Hand-Lettered Project Week 11 Prompt: Home is...

52 Hand-Lettered Project – Week 11

This week’s 52 Hand-lettered prompt is: Home is. More than ever, home is my happy place. My husband I always consider home not to be really the house we live in, but where our little family settles and thrives. We’ve built a lovely little home here in Maryland and after all that we’ve been through these past […] Read more…

Matchmaker Font

Font Love – Matchmaker

Hello! I missed you!. I’m back and slowly getting back into the swing of things. First of all, words can’t describe how much I appreciate all your prayers, lovely words of encouragement and support. Thank you. You certainly helped because the surgery went well, and am healing nicely. I thought, I’d start off slowly and share this […] Read more…

Breast Cancer

I’ve been hemming and hawing about sharing this. The posts will be a bit sporadic in the next few days, and in order to explain why, I need to share. Just over a month ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and tomorrow I will be getting a double mastectomy and starting the first stage […] Read more…

52 Hand-lettered Project Week 10

52 Hand-Lettered Project – Week 10

This week’s 52 Hand-lettered prompt is: On a day off. Sometimes it’s just nice to empty the brain and take a day off and do whatever you want. When I lived in Toronto, my friends and I would get together once a year. What did we do? Have our nails done, followed by afternoon tea […] Read more…

DIY Gifts - Use these free printables to add the perfect finishing touch to your pretty packages

Link Love #8

It’s been a week of more snow days than school days. Shoveling snow has been my only exercise, and my couture? Sweat pants and t-shirts. Looking forward to warmer temps this weekend and a bit of crafting. So how about some Link Love to get us inspired? Fran shows us how to create a faux […] Read more…

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