Month: January 2016

DIY Pink Plaid Envelopes - Maritza Lisa: Create your own plaid pattern with this free tool and use it to create your own stationery. Click through for the tutorial.

DIY Pink Plaid Envelopes

I’m thinking pink and I’m thinking plaid on this lovely Friday. So, I originally thought I’d try my hand at making my own pink plaid pattern and sharing it with you on Silhouette Studio. After searching the web for inspiration, I came across this awesome, nifty, free tool called PlaidMaker. Why reinvent the wheel when […] Read more…

Best DIYs of 2015 on Maritza Lisa - Counting down the posts you loved in 2015. Click through to find out which one was the most liked...

Best DIYs of 2015

Happy New Year! Hope you all had a lovely holiday and from the bottom of my heart I wish you all a fantastic 2016. As you may know, 2015Β had some challenges, but there were also many blessings. And you are one of those many blessings. I want to thank you all for your support, encouragement […] Read more…

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