Month: February 2020

DIY Stickers - Inspirational Quotes on Maritza Lisa. Click on over to make your own stickers with motivational quotes. It's so easy, I promise!

DIY Stickers – Inspirational Quotes

Reading inspirational quotes triggers something good in our brains. They can activate positive emotions or creativity. So, today I thought I’d show you how to easily make your own DIY Stickers with inspirational quotes. You can make them by hand or use a cutting machine. Read on for the tutorials! Read more…

Do you journal? This tutorial will show you how to easily make your own gratitude journal! Click through for the full instructions on Maritza Lisa!

DIY Gratitude Journal

Do you journal? I’ve been journaling off and on for years. More off than on, to be honest. Today, I thought I’d get motivated by creating a Gratitude Journal and sharing the tutorial with you. Read more…

Looking to DIY your own Nail Art from the latest in Nail Trends? Try adding Minimalist Accents to nude colored nails with temporary tattoos!

Nail Trends to DIY – Minimalist Nail Art

One of my go-to sources for checking what’s on trend is Google. Not gonna lie. So, when I searched for “Nail Trends”, I read articles that came from Fashion Week, well known magazines and influencers. One trend that appealed to me and hopefully you will like too, is nail art with minimalist accents. An example […] Read more…