DIY Halloween Crafts

DIY Halloween Seals - Maritza Lisa

DIY Halloween Crafts: Bat Seals

One more DIY Halloween Crafts project before the week ends. And today, I’m happy to share these cute Bat Seals. Sometimes, we need to send a little snail mail in lieu of delivering tricks and treats in person. So, why not dress up your pretty envelopes and packages with these cute patterned seals? Believe me, […] Read more…

DIY Boo Halloween Treat Bags - Maritza Lisa

DIY Boo Halloween Treat Bags

Happy Tuesday! As you can guess, this week’s inspiration? Halloween! There are so many sweet ideas for kids, but sometimes you need a little something that can work for grown-ups too, right? If you’re hosting a party or sending treats, these DIY Boo Halloween Treat Bags will work perfectly for you. Want to make your […] Read more…

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