DIY Summer Treat Tickets

Summer vacation starts tomorrow and I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready. Truth be told, it’s a bit of a hair frizzing yet fun situation for me. So, pretty pastels and a reward system should help the frizz, right? These little summer treat tickets can be used to reward positive behavior much like Big’s school does – they behave well,  they collect tickets and get a treat based on the number of tickets… If all else fails, they can be used for scrapbooking or to pretty up our summer packages. There’s always a plan B, non? Want to make some too?

The What

The How

Step 1:  Create your ticket shape. You can use this template later on for tags or cards

step1 - DIY Treat Tickets

Step 2: Create a string of tickets with your shape and a dashed line

step2 - DIY Treat Tickets

step3 - DIY Treat Tickets Step 3: Add your summer shapes

step4 - DIY Treat Tickets

Step 4: Create little frames using the internal offset tool on your ticket shape

step5 - DIY Treat Tickets

Assemble with glue, and you’re ready for summer (at least that’s what I tell myself)!

DIY Summer Treat Tickets

DIY Summer Treat Tickets

DIY Summer Treat Tickets

DIY Summer Treat Tickets