Month: February 2014

DIY Earrings in 3 easy steps

DIY Earrings

  Many moons ago I owned a very wee jewelry business, so today I will take a short break from all things paper, and share with you an easy DIY earring project. These are perfect for any upcoming celebrations (ahem, Carnival and St Patrick’s Day are fast approaching!) The beauty of this DIY is that […] Read more…

DIY Gift Bags with Paper Punches

Hello! Hope you are all having a great weekend. It’s been sunny and warm here in our corner of Maryland – a nice winter break, if you will. Fingers and toes crossed for no snow days this week! My Canadian friends are rolling their eyes as they read this, and rightly so. I’m pretty sure […] Read more…

App Love – iFontMaker

Hello and Happy Friday! If you own an iPad, and love lettering and fonts as much as I do, then iFontMaker is the app for you. You can turn your lovely letters into your own font in a matter of minutes. Elsie from A Beautiful Mess does a great how-to here. What will your new font […] Read more…

Lettering Love

[row] [span columns=”5″] [/span] [span columns=”7″] Hello! Have you seen The Lego Movie? Then you recognize these lyrics? The song sticks, and I’m okay with that. We saw the movie over the weekend and I have to admit that I adore Will Ferrell. I will snort and laugh in the most unladylike manner in any movie […] Read more…

DIY Dish Labels

Hello Everyone! For those of you who do not know me, I was born and raised in the lovely little gem of the Caribbean known as Trinidad and Tobago. My best memories are associated with this time of year – the Carnival season. The weather is superb, the parties and music go on forever and […] Read more…

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