Searching for "Angie Makes"

DIY Floral Monogrammed Tags - Maritza Lisa

DIY Packages – Floral Monogrammed Tags

Happy Thursday. It’s Spring Break in our neck of the woods, which means catching up on movies, play dates and such. Oh, the life of a kid! Hence the delayed post. When I saw that Angie posted another set of lovely ranunculus freebies (be sure to read her terms and conditions), I was instantly inspired to […] Read more…

Matchmaker Font

Font Love – Matchmaker

Hello! I missed you!. I’m back and slowly getting back into the swing of things. First of all, words can’t describe how much I appreciate all your prayers, lovely words of encouragement and support. Thank you. You certainly helped because the surgery went well, and am healing nicely. I thought, I’d start off slowly and share this […] Read more…

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