Searching for "print and cut"

DIY Embossed Tags

DIY Embossed Tags

Hello and Happy April! Spring is here and the Easter Bunny is fast approaching. If you’re handing out any quick gifts, this diy embossed tags project may be just the one for you to try. Let’s hop (pun intended!) right in! Read more…

DIY Washi Treat Bags

DIY Washi Treat Bags

    Happy Spring! It’s here – finally, and um… hopefully? We have blue skies and sunshine in our little corner of Maryland – I’ll take it over the snow any day. I may whip out my flats and take a walk to pick up Big from school this afternoon – well, it’s a good thought… […] Read more…

Pen Love – have you tried a white gel pen?

Hello! I have a confession…. I….LOVE…PENS. Seriously. At any stage of my life, whether it was the week before school started, a new job, a new project – it was all about the new pen(s). Not the power suit, or the new lip gloss, or the new shoes. It was always about the cute fine […] Read more…

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