Searching for "tattoo"

4 Silhouette DIYs To Try - Maritza Lisa

4 Silhouette DIYs To Try

Today’s roundup is one that’s close to my heart. You know how much I love my Silhouette(s). Yes! I own the CAMEO and just recently received the Curio from Silhouette America (Squee!!). Stay tuned for some projects and tutorials, because trust me, I will be all over that Curio. Before all that crazy making happens, […] Read more…

DIY Gold Pineapple Clothespins - Maritza Lisa

DIY Gold Pineapple Clothespins

Happy Tuesday! Just a quick little project for you today. You can probably tell that I have a slight obsession with mini clothespins. My DIY gold pineapple clothespins were inspired by these nail decals by DIY Nails (I’m not an affiliate, I just love their stuff!). Aren’t they cute? I bought the gold foil Paradise set, […] Read more…

DIY Packages - Wooden Arrow Tags

DIY Packages – Wooden Arrow Tags

Happy Tuesday! It’s time for another DIY, yes? How about some wooden arrow gift tags? I’ve been itching to do something with my balsa wood and thought this one would be a nice little project to try. I printed my arrow images on Silhouette’s printable tattoo paper to get the arrows on the tags. Want to try […] Read more…

DIY Floral Monogrammed Tags - Maritza Lisa

DIY Packages – Floral Monogrammed Tags

Happy Thursday. It’s Spring Break in our neck of the woods, which means catching up on movies, play dates and such. Oh, the life of a kid! Hence the delayed post. When I saw that Angie posted another set of lovely ranunculus freebies (be sure to read her terms and conditions), I was instantly inspired to […] Read more…

Create your own Valentine's gift bags with temporary tattoos - Maritza Lisa

Gifting: Valentine’s Gift Bags

Hello February! To celebrate the month of love, why don’t we kick things off by making some pretty Valentine’s gift bags? The method is much like the ones we made with our floral monograms and spider webs, but this time we will use Valentine’s clip art. I got mine from Creative Market which has this Valentine’s pack available […] Read more…

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