
Silhouette – Print and Cut Sale

[row] [span columns=”6″] Hello and Happy Friday! I just got my Silhouette newsletter and YAY – a sale! Through the end of March, all Silhouette specialty media is on sale at 30% off when you use promo code PRINTCUT at checkout. That makes this a great time to get your hands on some fun new materials and try this […] Read more…

DIY Washi Treat Bags

DIY Washi Treat Bags

    Happy Spring! It’s here – finally, and um… hopefully? We have blue skies and sunshine in our little corner of Maryland – I’ll take it over the snow any day. I may whip out my flats and take a walk to pick up Big from school this afternoon – well, it’s a good thought… […] Read more…

DIY Tag Barrettes

DIY Tag Barrettes

  Happy Monday! Another snow day today, and we’re snuggled up in our warm home and crafting. My son (Big) even tried out my pen holder and a couple of my calligraphy nibs. Dude’s got some skills, in my very biased opinion. Anyway, today, I wanted to share my newest packaging project – Tag Barrettes […] Read more…

Pen Love : Skillshare’s Introduction to the Art of Modern Calligraphy

Hello and Happy Friday! A quick post today. I wanted to share that I finally took the plunge. I enrolled and completed the amazing Molly Jacques’ Skillshare Modern Calligraphy course. It is an intro to pointed pen Calligraphy and in my humble opinion… rocks. I had all these little doubts about using pen and ink, […] Read more…

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